Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Week 23:

The Numberlys VS Don’t Push The Button!


The Numberlys:

Once upon a time there was no alphabet, only numbers…

Life was…fine. Orderly. Dull as gray paint. Very…numberly. But our five jaunty heroes weren’t willing to accept that this was all there could be. They knew there had to be more.

So they broke out hard hats and welders, hammers and glue guns, and they started knocking some numbers together. Removing a piece here. Adding a piece there. At first, it was awful. But the five kept at it, and soon it was…artful! One letter after another emerged, until there were twenty-six. Twenty-six letters—and they were beautiful. All colorful, shiny, and new. Exactly what our heroes didn’t even know they were missing.

And when the letters entered the world, something truly wondrous began to happen…Pizza! Jelly beans! Color! Books!

What can be said about a piece of art like this. I don’t know if kids will like it, love it, or pass on it. I do know, though, that I want to frame it. The creativity in the story is wonderful, the illustrations are frameable, and the feelings you are left with is “alive”. Awards were meant for creations like this.

Don’t Push The Button!:

There's only one rule in Larry's book: don't push the button.
(Seriously, don't even think about it!)
Even if it does look kind of nice, you must never push the button. Who knows what would happen?
Okay, quick. No one is looking... push the button.
Uh, oh.

In my mind, every kid will love this book. It’s a story that’s a game. The kinda game kids LOVE to play. The real question is, will this book just end up waking kids up more if you read it to them before they go to sleep?!

The Winner:

Congratulations to The Numberlys! 

We will see you in November!

We’ll see everyone else next week!

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